Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The first day of school

was today. But for my sixth grade middle school child it was the first FULL day. They had a half day yesterday by themselves to get them used to the school before there were 7th and 8th graders there...

And Jordan accidentally slept through her alarm, so when I woke up at 6:50 and she was just getting out of the shower, I knew it was going to be nuts.

So I very calmly went into the bathroom and asked her what I could help her with, etc. and she was freaking out. I got her fairly calm before I told her to stop worrying and I would take her to school. So I took them to school, and got back in time to start trying to get the other kids out the door to the bus stop. I had been home less than five minutes before the phone rang.

It was the middle school, calling to tell me that Alex had thrown up. UGH..

What you have to understand here is that he's at the new middle school. The BRAND NEW middle school that just got finished last spring. And it was not even half way into first hour, so my kiddo has the inaugural vomit of the school. And not only that, but he didn't even make it out of the classroom....*sigh* Poor kid...

So I said I would be right there to pick him up. I sent my kids to the bus with my friend from the neighborhood, and went to pick up my son. We were about 10 feet from the driveway when he threw up in my van all over himself, and all over the seats, etc.

We got inside and I helped him peel off his shirt and we went upstairs where I had him get in the shower. I threw his stuff in the washer and got that going. Then I had him get in his jammies and get in bed. He fell asleep almost right away. I went and took a shower myself and then ran to the elementary school to take lunch to my daughter, who, on the first day of first grade forgot her backpack and her lunch.

So, after 1/2 an hour of passing out school supplies to my 3 elementary aged kids, I came home and checked on sleeping beauty. He was still out. He slept until 3:15 this afternoon. I am hoping he will be able to sleep tonight. Anyway, I am completely and utterly exhausted. I'd like to go to bed right now, but there are four hours til bed time. Hopefully tomorrow will be less eventful. :)


Candice said...

Holy cow girl! I HATE cleaning vomit out of the car!! I know you do too! HUGS!!!

Mom of 5 Gents said...

What a first day! I kept waiting for the line that you lost your own cookies (or would that be cupcakes?). I'm proud of you for keeping it together. Supermom award for the day goes to YOU! Love ya!

Frisbies Forever said...

Hopefully the second day will go better??? Sheesh.

Crazy life of Drizz said...

Dang it W what a day, hope second day of school is better.

Melzie said...

Now that's a 1st day of school to be remembered. Poor thing, hope he's better now!!