Actually, I don't remember if she really did or not. But I've had several in the last few weeks. I've been considering seriously whether or not to fall off the Coca Cola wagon. Hell, I've been considering falling off the big wagon. Anyway...
I am not sure what disturbs me more today, the fact that it is ten past six and I am awake and have BREAKFAST IN THE OVEN, or the fact that my son has been up since about 2:30 and isn't the least bit tired...
Maybe it's the fact that I'm up and breakfast is made and I actually considered exercise on top of that... or it might be a combination of all of the above. Regardless, here I am, with baked oatmeal in the oven for breakfast, and getting ready to make some bread. *sigh*
Suddenly I am very tired.. LOL But anyway, this last week has been difficult, to say the least. I am exhuasted emotionally, and I think I am getting sick. Stress has a tendency to do that. ANYWAY... Here's a website I've found lately in my quest for being cheap...
There are some GREAT recipes here, and how to feed a family of four on $45 a week. Don't freak out, there's not a lot of meat in that menu, but it's got some good stuff in it. We had the lentil chili last night for dinner, and it was pretty dang good. I've also made the home made biscuits, and the corn meal muffins. Good stuff. BTW, I DO NOT advocate making your own sanitary napkins (not that there's anything wrong with that) but I also don't have a monthly visitor anymore, and the thought of washing crap out for anyone else makes my stomach churn. Now, if we were on a tighter budget, I might rethink that, but... ewwww.. nevermind. I don't think I could ever do it.
Anyway, enjoy the site, and thanks to my friend April for finding it! I am loving it. I am even considering apron options... GULP...