Monday, March 10, 2008

Touch up painting

Is done. I did a bad thing, but I can't even discuss it. Well.. maybe I can. I caulked baseboards yesterday, and it said minimum of 3 hour dry time, but wait to paint til it no longer feels tacky to the touch. Well... I waited. I was planning on doing touch up last night. When we got home from the bday party for my BIL, it still was sticky. And when I was almost ready to go to bed, it was sticky. And when I got up this morning, it was less sticky, but sticky, nonetheless.

And you know what I said? Hell with it, I am paintin it anyway. So I did. And it looks fine. And I don't care if it falls down the wall in six months, it will be behind my desk, so I don't have to see it. So, I am in the process of moving SOME stuff back in, but it's going to be a bit before it's all done. I will take more pics when I get some stuff moved in. :)

AND, be on the lookout for my upcoming post about McDonalds. I am so pissed at them. I am going to copy the corporate office on my scathings.

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