Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ok, I wasn't very clear...

So, I mentioned the dental office smell... but I apparently forgot to mention that it was a temp job. I was temping Monday and Tuesday. Unfortunately, the other job I had interviewed for I did NOT get, but didn't find out until after spending $30 on a dozen freakin gourmet cupcakes on their freakin office. OH well. I have been praying for things to work out as they SHOULD. It is sometimes hard to remember that God is in charge, and that what I want is not necessarily what is supposed to happen. But in light of the IEP meeting we had today, I am thinking this may be a good thing... We shall see..

On a happy note, I DID make enough money to purchase pergo for my scrap room floor... WHOO HOO!


Melzie said...

a job's a job... were the cupcakes yummy? :) IEP meetings.. I have 2 of those next week...

Tina said...

I immediately thought of you when I saw this somewhere out in e-land.
Enjoy :)