Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I really need some serious help. I really do. I decided previously that I was going to weigh only on Monday. Fine. Great. So, yesterday being Tuesday, I had a huge argument with myself about weighing or not. And I lost. I did weigh myself. So... I took my scale to Tina's. That way, it's not too far away, so I can weigh on Mondays, but not have to drive out of the neighborhood to do it. And I won't obsess about it. Right??? Yeah, NOT so much.

I have a job interview today. And we got about 3 inches of snow last night (yeah, I know, big shocker). So, this morning, one of Tina's daycare kids was late, and she wanted me to bring my little man over to her, and me to walk with her two to the bus stop. Fine, no problem. Well, when we got over there, the daycare mom was there dropping off her babe. And Tina said, "well, with all the snow, I am afraid it's going to take forever to get to the preschool, so I am going to just go right now, if that's ok with you." No problem, because I am going to come into your house while you are gone and weigh myself.

Then I said it. I said, "I think after I get back I am going to come in and weigh myself"

Tina: No, you're not. It's not Monday.
Me: Yeah, I am. I need to.
Tina: NO, you're not. You can't. I hid your scale! HAHAHA!! And not only did I hide your scale, but I hid mine too....
Me: WHAT???
Tina: Yeah, I know you SO well, that I hid them both last night before we went to the caucus. And don't even try to look for them, you will NEVER find them! Neener, neener, neener.

She's singing this and dancing in a circle.
Shit. She KNOWS me, what can I say....

Except that I would NEVER go through her house looking for the scales. Even though I want to. And I did entertain the thought of purchasing a new one. Or going to Target and pulling one off the shelf and weighing with that...

How messed up is that? I didn't think it would be that hard to not have my scale in the house. I didn't think I would miss it that much. But it was the first thing I noticed both times I went into my bathroom yesterday. And it put me into a small panic for that split second when I couldn't remember where it was...

I guess maybe it's time to get out the Big Blue Book. *sigh* I am so human. I am not superwoman. And I hate it.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm glad she knows you so well. What is the Big Blue Book?